Freedom From Worldliness & Fear

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Dear Friend:

Finally God answered my prayers because on August 6, 2009, God answered my long time prayer which is I was hired as MARKETING MANAGER AT Vazquez-Madrigal Group of Companies here in Makati, a very well known Group of Real estate Projects here in our metropolis.

I was able to received this answered prayers and able to land this job is not because I am good or Intelligent but rather it is the mercy of God on me and of course I am a Child now because of what Jesus Did on the cross two thousand years ago.

I started praying for this position since year 2001 but to no avail God is still molding me before giving me a great task. In other words, God will not answer our prayer if we are not yet ready for it.

I encourage everybody to learn how to wait because waiting is a great Virtue for every christian and for everyone who wish Success in everything. The bible says that Those who hope in the Lord will rise up with wings like Eagles; they will runned but not grow weary; walked and not faint"..

I remember as the days how I waited this prayers to be answered and I learned that just like a young boy, normally a good father will not entrust a car to his beloved son everytime a son will request or even demand with anger over it because the father knew in his heart that if he will entrust the key to his son without the proper training of driving then it will be abvious that it can be a recipe for disaster for his child so the good father will be sad by not giving what his son wants because he exactly knew when is the right time for his son to take over the key of his great car"..

In other words, Our Father in Heaven has the great Key of the treasures of this world and the world above and He will wait for the right time for us to take over those keys in His proper time; therefore, let us not be discouraged when most of our prayers are not answered yet by God because He is preparing for the best season for you to take over the key.

Take note that God's heart is broken everytime he sees your heart broken as well because as a Father, He can't imagine not giving what his son desires but the thing is that it is not yet the right time so the father will also wait with sadness while waitning for the right time because He loves you so much.

Have a great day and cheer up because you are far richer than you could imagine!!!

Always !


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