Freedom From Worldliness & Fear

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I am Rick Pila, 38 years old on the 25th of July 2007. I am Presently addressing to all that Praising God during happy moments is very easy to do but how about when you lost your Job? When one of your loveones dies? if you where not receiving answers to your prayers? Or during the time where God is silent everytime you pray? How can you praise God if life is a disaster to you? How about if life does not makes sense? This are the following questions we need to consider in Praising God.

As you know, The bible says that we should not live by sight but by faith which means that you have to Honor God and give Him praises not only in times of harvest;meaning, let us not praise God only when things go well such as having Nice house, Cars, financial breakthrought and successful job. But rather we should praise God because of Who He is? and What He is?..The greatest sacrifice we can offer God is when we give Him praises in tough times. We should realized that God never change no matter what situation we are facing. Because it is very high form of worship when you praise God in times of toubles and sufferings. It really touch the heart of God when He sees you praising Him despite of pain nad problems.

It is evident in the bible, how God tested Job by many troubles such as losing his children, wealth and eventually his health yet he says that: "The Lord gave and the Lord take it away and let the name of the Lord be praise".. Job's trust in the Lord is continues and unwavering and at the end, God gave job back all what He had taken away and gave it back to job with multiplicity.. You have seen how God tested moses when his family disown him by seling him into slavery until he was accused falsely by his master's wife of raped and molestation and then he was thrown in prison without due cause and burden of proof and still He trusted the Lord that He will not leave him nor abandon so, at the end he was release in prison and made him the second in command in egypt..It is apparently bogus that God will never leaves nor forsake us whatever situation we are facing today because God's promise of Prosperity and success for us is marked in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 will always remains the same and will never change. So Moses forgave all his brothers who betrayed him by selling him into slavery;and because of this God raises him up and made all his brother be subject for his anger yet he still forgives them all despite the damage and pain his brothers had cause him.

Its a perfect example how moses trusted the Lord inspite of Hardship & Suffering. and it is very clear how the Lord rewarded him at the end..The lesson we can learn from the story of Moses, Job and the rest of God's followers who has done His will in all ages is clear that we too must realized that the sufferings we are facing now can never compare to the success and victory God has prepared if we will just trust Him even in times of Hardship and sufferings. The bible said:"If we will be humble and fear God, He will give us ,Wealth, Honor & Long Life"..proverbs 22:4; therefore, let us give praises to God no matter what we feel or state of life cause God will never keep His promises for those who do His will. The bible also said:"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you can ask anything in my name, and it shall be given to you".. From now on, let us all put our trust in the Lord and never rely on what you think you know because God can give us more than we could ever expect.

At the moment, I am enjoying my life trusting the Lord because I am not thingking of the present pain and hardship but rather I focus on the time that the Lord will fulfill His pormises, and that is: "We will be Prosperous and successful with brighter future and hope to face forward"..

God Loves You!!

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