Freedom From Worldliness & Fear

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Why is it many of our prayers were not answered by God? How can you thank God if most of your prayers were unanwered? WHY??

Dear Everyone:

Hi! First of all, let me stretch out to you why can't you have what you are praying to God. Is God listening to us? But one of you may say that God answers prayers for anyone who ask HIM. But how comes you don't have what you prayed for? How comes most of your prayers or all your prayers were unanswered? you will ask? Does God listen to me? why cant HE hear my cries? why everybody is against me? why am I still agonizing in misery and lack? Did God created poor people? am I destined to be poor and hated by everyone? These are the endless questions humanity often confuse due to no answers can satisfy there misery and longingness. And this are the following question we need to consider for understanding that God indeed answers our prayers..

It is a direct revelation in the bible that God said: "Ask you will receive, Seek and you will find and knock amd it will be open to you".. But why can't I received anything from God in my prayers? the answer is simple. Let me first ask you first? when you ask God for something, Did you seek? and when you seek, Did you seek it with all your heart? The reason why we dont receive is because we don't seek. And the reason why we don't find even we had seek is because we don't seek it with all our hearts. Many says that God's promises will never change, of course it will never change but what about if you change? Can you still claim God's promises if you willfully do what is evil? of course not until you repent. It is very clear in the bible that Many are willing to kill because they don't get what they want. They don't get what they prayed because their motive is bad.

The bible is very clear that God don't listen to sinners not until they repent and turn from their wrongdoings. Many people ask God or blame God due to their unanswered prayers but did they ever ask themselves if they are faithful to God? God said: " If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask anything in my name and it will be given to you".. The question we should ask everytime we don't received answered prayers is this: "Do I abide in God? does God's word abide in me? if you don't have right answers to your questions, then why be surprise if you dont receive answers to your prayers.
The Lord is generous for those who are also generous. The Lord is sincere for those who are faithful yet even if we are sinners God is stil very patient in waiting for us to come back on Him and experience His Blessings; but we need to change first throught repentance. Make a sincere repentance then expect a blessings from God. God is not very interested in blessing but mre of changing or transforming you cause if you are not a change man, can you handle well His blessings? of course not! and God won't give you a blessing if you can't handle it for example wealth. If you don't know how to handle worldly wealth, How can God entrust you TRUE RICHEST? Therefore, you must be trustworhty first before getting a share of God's blessing for you to handle it well. You must learn to faithful with small things so that God will entrust you GREAT THINGS. for why will God entrust you great things if you aren't faithful in small things??

This are the following things we need to consider before expecting God to answer our prayers. There are many reasons why God don't answer our prayers. First is that it is not good for us. Many great man in the bible history who receives great blessings such as Wealth, Power, Might, fame and Influence yet they use their blessings to destroy people and disobey God for their own selfish desire like for instance King Saul in the book of Samuel where He used his power trying to kill David because of Jealousy and Fear that one day David will be king. Another is we all know how King herod, during the time of Jesus, when He ordered all male child less than two years old be killed because of his greed where he don't want anyone to succeed him as king except his sons. Many records especially in our world history how Hitler ordered the summarry killings of the entire town of jewish people. Therefore these people did not honor God with their blessings of Fame, Power & Wealth. you can also notice many people in walks of life, are beginning to change their behavior when they become rich and powerful. Thas why it is very obvious that God is still molding you to become Holy and Faithful before He answers your Prayers. The bible says: "I will grant the desires of your heart if you DELIGHT in me, says the Lord of host".. Now, do you delight yourself in the Lord? God wants to give you everything in life as He said it in the bible: "If you humble yourself and obey all my commandments, I will give you HONOR, WEALTH & LONG LIFE"..(Proverb:22:4)

The question we have to consider what God said in Proverb 22:4 is this: "Are you humble?" Do you follow His commandments? Well, if you are guilty in answering, why should you expect God to give you Honor, wealth, and Long life?? This are simple common sense we need to realize before complaining why God don't answers our prayers. And why are we suffering today? You better ask youself why? Never question God because the misery you have is not God's fault. Then who else faults is it? Its self-explanatory.

Another issue why God don't answers our prayers is because we don't pray with forgiveness in our heart. The
Bible says: "Before you bring your gift to the altar and remembers that you have wrong somebody, leave your belongings in the altar then go to that person who you need to settle some dispute thru reconciling then come back to the altar and offer your gifts to God".. It is very clear that we can never offer any sacrifices in worship or both in prayer if we won't reconcile first with our brothers whom we wrong and ask for forgiveness. We need to ask forgiveness to whom we offended before asking God our needs. No wonder why you don't have what you need because you don't ask forgiveness first to others. You say that I forgive and I ask forgiveness straight to God. WRONG! The bible says: " you should go to that person whom you hurt or cause hurt then reconcile before asking something from God otherwise don't expect God to listen to you. One way for you to reconcile is to give a call, text, greeting cards or personal appearance. We need to be humble before the Lord cause the bible says: "God gives grace to the humble but opposes the proud"..
So, dont be surprise if God opposes you.

The bible also said: "What you sow is what you reap" God is also checking if you are a generous person; Meaning, The amount you give to others is also the amount you will received. This is the principle of Sowing & Reaping. The bible says in the book of Malachi 3:10 "We should not fail to bring the tithes and offering to the house of God then God says:"Test me, if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out my blessings where you no longer have enough room to contain all the blessings I will give you"..Take note that God says: TRY ME?...

Lastly, Allow me to conclude that there are many resons why God don't answers our prayers and I believe I already explain many in what I wrote in the afformentioned and the best ways for us to realized is that there are various reasons why we suffer and don't recieved answered prayers. I want you to know that God can never commit mistake and God always knows what is best for you. The bible said: "There is always a time for everthing, a time for harvest and blessings; everything sometimes don't happened quick because it is not yet God's time. The bible conclude that God has an appointed time and once that time will come, it won't delay and everthing will become beautiful".. Let us always maintain the attitute to wait in HIS TIME. For God's time is perfect. and while waiting for the harvest or the perfect timing of God, let us start to change our life and be fruitful so that God will answers all our prayers and even the things we had not include in our prayers will be given by God to us as well....JUST Wait!

The Bible says:" God knows our needs even before we ask it".. Jesus Christ said:"Look at the birds in the sky, they don't labor yet my father in heaven feeds them; how much more of you, for you are worth more than birds to me"..

God said:"My plans for you is not to harm you, but to Prosper you and give you hope and a future"..( Jeremiah 29:11)

God said I came to give you life and it's fullness"..(John 10:10) we need to realized that JESUS did not came to bring poverty but Prosperity; Not Sickness but Healing; Not suffering but Happiness; and not even death but HE raise the death to life"..

God Loves YOU!!

Rick Pila

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